Monday, February 3, 2014

Learning Life Lessons

A friend of mine shared this picture a few weeks ago and I saved the picture in hopes of getting back to it at a later date. Well here I am getting back to this picture and I'm not really sure how I feel or what I think about it. I certain agree with numbers 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, and 10 but the others I'm not so sure about. 
Numbers 3, 4, 6, and 7 just seem as though they can be questioned and or negated pretty easily. For instance, I completely disagree that "there" isn't better than "here." Here is subjective to a person's experience and personality type. You can't tell me that a child who is adopted out of a dilapidated orphanage is going to eventually feel the same way about his or he adopted home as he or she did about the orphanage and then start searching for something better. Personally, when i accomplish getting to the proverbial "there" and making it a "here" I'm very satisfied with my hard work and I don't tend to try to go for anything better simply because to me there isn't a better here. 

Another number that I am vey dissatisfied with is number 4. I don't agree that you are repeatedly taught the same lesson until you complete it or that once you've completed it you move on. Life is about multiple lessons happening all at once, all the time. If life is school then rule number 4 contradicts rule number 2. School doesn't ever stop teaching you OR testing you. You will be taught the same lesson many times throughout life, it isn't a one and done kind of deal. Life will then test you and try you to make sure you still remember the lessons it's previously taught you. 

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