Thursday, February 27, 2014

Well This Sucks

"Rest assured cause dreams don't turn to dust" -Owl City Dreams Don't Turn to Dust 

I got news today that the talent show has been canceled. This is the show that Brandi and I have been relentlessly practicing for; sacrificing our time, our bodies, and efforts for. This really sucks. I read the message five hours after it had been sent out to find out that Brandi and I were the only people who had signed up for the show out of TWO acts that had expressed interest. 

On one hand I felt really sad about all the lost time and effort but on the other I felt really dumb for even trying to do the talent show, obviously no one knew or no one cared about it. Why had Brandi and I taken everything so seriously? I feel so foolish for putting so much effort in to it.

That aside, now I have to cram four chapters of stress and resilience into my brain by 9am, come up with interview questions for a video I have to make by Sunday, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. And the talent show may be able to be revived by my own sorority but that might not actually happen. Ugh. I can't win.

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