Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Full of Dissappontments

"I didn't fail 2000 times, I just learned 2000 ways how not to make a lightbulb" -Thomas Edison 

I'm not 10,000 percent sure that Edison actually said this but I feel like it might be applicable to today's events. 

I'm really bad at holding myself accountable to myself. I hate disappointing other people but if it comes to disappointing myself I don't have a care in the world. I will probably always be okay with disappointing myself. This disappoints me. Do you see my problem? 

I'm full of disappointments. I'm mildly disappointed in how I've spent my three years of college. I'm highly disappointed in my inability to wake up in the mornings, my lack of an ability to actually implement self control, or how bad I am staying calm when I lose things. 

What brought about these thoughts of disappointments was the thought of how disappointed I would be if I missed a day on the blog and how disappointed I was when we didn't do an intake interview at my internship. 

I'm not really sure what the grand point of this post is or where I wanted to go with it. I do know that this is one of m more 'whiny' posts but it isn't intended to be. I'm sure there are many things that everyone is disappointed by or in or about. 

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