Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Success Versus Failure

So i think that this quote is pretty relevant to this post. In essence, the quote means that neither success nor failure is final. They both can change and it all depends on what we do next. The choices and decisions we make we make will result in either continued success of continued failure. 

After yesterday being full of disappointments I decided that I wanted today to be successful. I wanted to got to class, eat better, and start my physical therapy outside session exercises today. And I s successful until around 530.

I went to my 9 am class and continued to be productive through out my five hour work day. I started to set up some community service projects and looked into internships for the summer which is detrimental to my educational future. I ate a better lunch too!  After work I went and spent an hour doing all of my mandatory exercises for my ankle. These exercises are not fun, at all. They are actually really difficult due to my background as a drummer and a horseback rider but I'll make a post about the exercises in particular after my next physical therapy session. 

All of that was the successful part of my day. Then I came home and gave in to temptation to buy food that was bad for me. Lots of it. My saving grace of the day was *finally* cleaning off and remaking my bed. 

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