Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Harder to Breathe

"Is there anyone out there cause its getting harder and harder to breathe" -Maroon 5

Unfortunately, I don't mean harder to breathe in a good way. I mean it in the most literal "I cannot breathe through my mouth or my nose because my lungs are coated in mucus and my sinuses are sealed shut" sense imaginable. I was hoping that by taking it somewhat easy yesterday I would be able to wake up this morning and go to my internship feeling only slightly under the weather. I was very VERY wrong. 

I opened my eyes this morning and immediately wanted to just give up on real life, move to either Narnia or Arendelle, and just kind of exist there for the rest of eternity. I ended up sleeping until 3 pm not going anywhere all day. Normally I would be completely okay with this. Today was not one of those days. I missed my internship and because I slept until 3 pm one of my ocular migraines kicked in and I wasn't able to read without seeing double until about an hour ago. In essence, today was the most unproductive day I have had all year. 

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