Saturday, November 29, 2014


Today was my day off and I spent it babysitting my nephews and making chocolate cookies before stressing out over the FSU/UF rivalry game.

I don't watch the games very often and I never really cared about football. BUT this games means a years worth of bragging rights. Originally the game started with my nephew rooting for the Gators while I told him that my team had not lost the last 27 games they played. Still, he stuck with the Gators but that was mostly because they were winning at the time. His younger brother needed to be fed so I went to do that while he kept watching the game. Ten minutes or so later he came in bawling his eyes out because my team was now in the lead by 6 points. Completly distraught (even though he is 6 and has no loyalty to either team in reality) he claimed that they had taken away all the point from his team and refused to hear otherwise. My response was to explain to him that it didn't really matter and hand him a cookie.

He ate it and dried his tears before running back into the living room to check the score. This is when he saw Jameis get attacked by the Florida player on the side lines. Naturally he ran in to let me know and then I heard the words "so I've decided to root for your team. The Seminoles." His brother soon finished his dinner and we all found a seat in the living room to scream at the TV for a stressful 2 hours.

I was rewarded for all of my babysitting efforts with Mexican food from my favorite restaurant, a (sloppy) Nole win, and the ability to do laundry. Hallelujah.

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