Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Extended Birthday Activities

So Catherine and I are not quite done celebrating my birthday and we are going to start celebrating her birthday when we finish celebrating mine! We are headed to Disney World on Wednesday to do all kinds of fun things which we will plan shortly before arriving! 

After work I took the time and researched how much it would be for a stay on property. Shortly after I booked the hotel (IT WAS 27 DOLLARS A PERSON ARE yOU KIDDING ME) for Wednesday and then I continued to research all the discounts!! Other than that but of planning, I also planned t other trips to Orlando. One of them will be with Ilana because I've never gone with her. The other is more focused around the grad school living arrangements and working arrangements. Another castmember and I started talking about the perks and pro/conning everything. He thinks I should transfer to the parks which I understand but that would mean another 8 miles of driving. Tomorrow I am going to (hopefully) talk to Brett about some living options and then I continue to make choices from there. I want to have everything settled by December first.

ALSO! I had to miss out on a great deal from Ulta today because the stupid website refused to save my cart and to recognize my account information even though the link I was using for the deal was from an email they sent to the email address they were telling me was not on file. 

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