Thursday, November 6, 2014

Progress is Progress?

I'm sitting here, in butterfly pose, typing this whilst I think to my self "what am I actually going to talk about today?" This has been a question that I have asked myself about the majority of my posts recently. I knew that the day would come where I wouldn't automatically know what my post was going to be about. That is also why I haven't been sharing the link as much. My life story was already lame when I had things to talk about. When I'm just flying by the seat of my pants and posting about random nonsense I can only imagine what a snooze fest this place is. Still, I must finish this project. I MUST continue,  Onward to greatness!
I made the title about progress because I made a small dent in the massive pile of life choices I ahve t make.  I talked to Brett today and we have determined that because of how far my school is FROM EVERYTHING and because there are others involved in housing arrangements that I should just focus on my own stuff. That means I can cross living with him off the list and now I have to really take some time to evaluate what my next options are. Do I find a carpool list for UCF students to Disney? Do I try to find a roommate for a far away apartment? SO MANY DECISIONS! Not to mention the fact that three people made comments today at work that I should be at the parks. SPECIFICALLY in MK. That is flattering, really it is. The whole purpose of my job is to create magic and to help those who may never get to visit WDW feel like they are having just as an amazing experience at the store as they would be if they were to go to the parks. That being said, if I worked at WDW it wouldn't be as a friend of the princesses or as a dancer. It would most likely be in some little food service job or as a ride assistant. I honestly cannot find the magic there. ASDJGLFLGNFLGNFGNDF.

Tomorrow I will go hang out with lexis for awhile and then I need to clean my room and start making phone calls and mapping out plans. I can't wait on this any more. The ball needs to get rolling. December first is going to get here before I know it and then I will have nothing done. This is real life, not a cooking goal. THINGS MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED!

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