Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Happy Halloween

I'm sure that I will have pictures to add to this in a few days but for now lets just know that today is my Halloween with Catherine and a few other people, including my grandlittle! I'm in the middle of setting my teeth for my Vampire costume which means I have to stop typing.

Update:Teeth are set and they look really good! Now I get to spend the next three hours doing vampire makeup!

Update 2: Vampire makeup is harder than I thought it would be but it is finished and now I am on my way to Catherine's!

Update 3: the party was really fun! It went until around 330AM but it was fun! There was lots of Just Dance and Cards Aginst Humanity was so incredibly funny! I was able to see Lauren and met some new people which was fun! My make up stayed on which as exciting! 

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