Sunday, November 9, 2014

Kicking Holiday Off

The last few Sundays have felt like Mondays, including today. I opening the store for what seemed like the first time in a long time and then I went home for 5 hours before going back to work for the holiday meeting. My purpose was to explain the fun parts of holiday to my team which mean trivia and candy and prizes! Wooo!

In those five hours between shifts however, I drove to Target, did my makeup, and made serious progress in the search for a place to live! I found this website where you can put up listing to be a roommate or reply to listings for roommates/places to live. I favorite-ed a property the other day and today they lady got back to me! It is further than I had planned but its only 490 dollars for everything which is FANTASTIC! It is a house and it allows pets! I really hope I can figure out a way to make it all work.

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