Friday, January 31, 2014

One Month Down

"I'm a survivor. I'm not going to give up." Survivor - Destiny's Child

It's been one month of posts, one month of goals, one month of progress and one month of holding myself accountable. I've cut out soda for 31 days, I've only missed 2 days of class and I've spent less money on food. Overall 2014 has been a fairly good year. 

Today's progress consisted of finishing assignments, paying my rent for the next four months and inviting 10 girls to be a part of my sorority. Today was also a little frustrating as I skipped my second class of the semester and I had to deal with the city bus system making me an hour late to something. However, the day wasn't as bad as it could have been. I could have not made it at all or I could have ended up being stuck somewhere I had never been before (this has happened... it isn't fun) or something equally as catastrophic. Things can always be worse. February however is not going to be one of those things. Like this last month, February is going to be full of good choices and progress towards goals. Merlin help me.

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