Friday, December 19, 2014

368 Days Later

Literally a year and three days later I have fallen down the stairs again. This time however, my injury is on the other foot and it is my big toe which is fractured in two places. The foot people told me that this injury will take 6 weeks and that I really shouldn't work on it but what choice do I have? I MUST go back to work. They told me to take the weekend off which I am but they want me to only work 4 hours at a time. That's not an option. Monday will be a test run for now well my foot is going to up with life and then we'll just have to go from there.

On another note, I received the "you have an update on your financial aid page" email today which I actually why I was going down stairs when I broke my toe. After the urgent care visit I went back to the page to accept the aid awards and to start doing math. I also wrote down all the important dates that are posted on the websites so far in my planner and desk calendar. I will be prepared for this first semester!!

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