Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Keep Reflecting Forward

I walked Anderson home from school because he hates going to karate and then I closed the store. I missed American Horror story but I'll catch up on that later. On the way to his school I passed the baseball fields that I have seen thousands of times. It has my grandfathers name attached to it which I think is pretty cool, even if I don't remember him.

I also passed my middle school which was tons of fun to reflect on. I have the memory of an elephant when it comes to school. I remember every inch of that campus and my schedules. I probably spent about 25 minutes just staring at the track remembering track and field practices and all the times I thought about just running to my grandmothers house and skipping school. Good times.

What I really wanted to talk about was this quote from the lead singer of Thirty Seconds to Mars:

We all go through moments where we completely doubt our abilities or where we second guess why were are where we are. Even moments where we absolutely hate who we have surrounded ourselves with and the choices we've made. We can't let ourselves do that very often and when we do have to go through the moments, it helps to have something that brings us out of them. Mine recently was his quote. It is so obvious but still, it meant a lot to me. I went for anger crying to completely fine when I found it the other day. I like it so much that it even replaced a Hunter Hayes background picture. 

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