Monday, December 1, 2014

31 More Days

I tried to find a picture or a quote that fit today but beginning of the end stuff was all depressing and I didn't  anything in my repertoire that I could pass on to you for inspiration so instead, you get a pun. If you can figure it out I've give you a cookie. You know, because I'm avoiding those and I'm sure there are a ton to be given.

There are so many things that I didn't accomplish this year. Like cooking and losing weight. I need to go sign up for my pole classes which I will do tomorrow because it is my day off and this is stupid. I have spent a year holding my self accountable for all of my nonsense and I still just kind of shrug it off. I am not able to motivate my self with letting myself down as the consequence. It just doesn't happen unfortunately. Maybe with more time? I'll have to give it some more thought.

December arrived wet and with a high of 76 degrees. Christmas time is not supposed to be this Floridian but as my sister keeps saying: "it's El Niño." (Whatever that means, I don't actually know.)
December means that I have roughly thirty more days of being a lead at work and I couldn't be more excited to give the reigns back to people who want to control things. I'll stick to sweeping. It also means that school is  just around the proverbial corner and it brings light to the cruel truth that I did not save the money I was supposed to save. Yes I have some of it but for 7 months worth of saving, it's deplorable. December will hopefully see me get the rest of my life in order. I should have my lease signed and turned in by the end of this week which I am going to be congratulating myself for by going to see Hunter Hayes. Now if only I could clean my room.

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