Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Right Direction

I ran out of time yesterday to write the post for the day but that is only because I was at work until 11 and then I came home and had to go to sleep."why didn't you write it during the day?" Well, because I had to clean my room (kinda) and a bunch of stuff happened during the day!

I randomly received a phone call from my manger about how she was calling my soon to be manager to confirm my transfer! I've never really expected to be complimented on my magical abilities but today I was and it is what will keep me sane in my new environment!

Right after that phone call I received another one but this time it was from the apartment complex. They told me that the girl I am subleasing came in to sign her portion of the sublease and that once they sent me everything for my last signature we would just be waiting on the property manager's approval. 

These are two really big steps in making the transition to Orlando successful and while they didn't get finished by December first like planned, they are officially checked off the list! Now to officer out exactly how I am paying for school and how I am moving to Orlando. 

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