Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Suzy Tuesday Reprise

It looks like I am again off on Tuesdays so Catherine and I were able to bring back our day from summer and make it so that we got too lend sometime together today! We were able to use my groupon for a Tampa staple called EATS American Grille! I think its really yummy and Catherine seems to be a big fan of their fish tacos which means you should also go if you live in the area. Then we headed home after searching for a Christmas music station and attempting to make it to the bank before it closed. Once home (and being the avid OUAT fans that we are), we decided to watch last Sunday's episode and it made me mad. Luckily, I had homemade popcorn ala Catherine to help!

Now, I know I swore off sweets for December but today my sister brought home pumpkin pie and because I only have it maybe twice a year I decided that 1 piece would not hurt me. I have not had any candy or chocolate or cookies or doughnuts or the like which is really what I am trying to wean myself off of for the spring. I'm not worried about my resolve falling and me going and buying a whole pie. 

I ALSO FOUND A POLE STUDIO IN ORLANDO!! And it is near campus! I am so excited! 

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