Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Novel

Boy Meets World Series Finale: "Brave New World"

I'm not entirely sure how to begin the end of the year post. I could write about how I went to Busch Gardens with Alexis and we stood in line for two hours. I could tell the world more about how I jumped at every scream and firework because I was expecting a hoard of people to come running. But that isn't really what this post is supposed to be about I guess.

A year ago today I saw a picture about how the next day was the first page of a 165 page book that challenges everyone who read it to make that book a good one. More than a hundred labels, 6331 views and countless pictures and I can't honestly say that I feel like 2014 has been a good or a bad year. It was been full of ups and downs, tears and laughter, fantastic moments and some of the saddest I've ever experienced, failure and successes. Do I think that tomorrow is the start of something better than this last year? Not particularly because tomorrow is the start of another book and it is up to me to make the changes I want to see in my life.

This year I had a multitude of things I wanted to see happen and I can guarantee you that I did not get to all of them. I did not go see the nutritionist and I didn't lose the weight that I wanted to lose. I did not manage to get any better at not disappointing myself.  I even missed blogging days because of one reason or another. But 2014 and this little experiment has taught me so much about my self and about others but we would be here for WAY too long if I tried to put all of those lessons into words. The cliff notes version would be that I am a born procrastinator and I don't know if I can change that, people will always surprise you, words are hard, and I really have a hard time reflecting on things.

I hope that anyone who reads this found a lesson for themselves this year and I hope that you, like me, are going to take those lessons as markers for a new life in 2015. I hope that whatever journey you were on or might still be on went/goes as smoothly as possible and that all of your resolutions and wishes come true.

In the words of Walt Disney- "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"

Well that is it I guess. My novel, the book that was my life for the last year, has come to a close. All the pages have been filled out and there is no more to say about 2014. Happy New Year friends.

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