Saturday, December 20, 2014

After The Fall

As I begin writing this while watching The Holiday for the second time today, a commercial for a new mascara called full lash bloom by Covergirl comes on and the "packaging" of the commercial is enough to make me want to buy it so that it going to happen in the near future.

The day after the fall last year was rough. My foot was killing me and I was absolutely convinced that the boot they had given me was going to alter my walking pattern. This year's day after the fall wasn't quite as bad. My toe still hurts but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Walking is already easier. 

I knew that I had to get my note to work today so I made that a goal for the day along with going to Publix and getting Epsom salt to soak my foot in. My goal was also to get pie ingredients for mini pies to take to work but that didn't quite happen. Publix didn't have the ingredients I needed (WHO DOESN'T CARRY CANNED PUMPKIN PIE FILLING YEAR ROUND??) and we were in a time crunch so I just had to let it go. 

Now to sleep

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