Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Vegetable Pot Pie

Yesterday was full of good things which I had hopes would continue through today. Knows kind of correct. My day did not start early with laundry and packing duties like I had planned. Instead, my phone ended up under my bed so instead of waking me up it just made me mad that I couldn't find it. So when I found it,  I hit snooze. Rather I thought I did because I slept for two hours before being locked in my room by my broken door knob for another two hours. It is safe to say I was not able to get any more laundry done.

The rest of the day was spent doing odd ball things like sitting with my nephew at his dentist appointment and trying to explain to him how to play with an Xbox controller as well as planning an impromptu sleepover with Catherine and helping her making vegan vegetable pot pie with homemade biscuits! Bread dough has an awful texture just so everyone knows. 

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