Friday, December 5, 2014

CHE Number Three

Coming to you live from the Greyhound bus station,  this is fangirl Kaitlin heading to Jacksonville for her third Hunter Hayes concert and Coffee House Experience. Today started at 5:30 am after maybe four hours of sleep because my bus leaves at 7:45 so I had to be here early, luckily the cab driver let us go through McDonald's or I would be dead. I will be checking I with updates... Probably tomorrow because wifi and data are expensive.

After a few stops along the way to Jacksonville, I finally arrived around 12:30. I makes over of my hotel which wasn't that impressive from the outside but the inside kind of made me feel like the kid in Home Alone 2 when he checks in to the really fancy hotel. Of course I wasn't in Jacksonville for the hotel, I was there for Hayes. I finished getting ready and called my cab around 2:00. But this is where the first hiccup happened. The cab driver dropped me off about a mile too far south of my venue so I had to run to meet up with Jessica and her family before her first meet and  greet. Luckily I was able to say hi but it was freezing and humid and windy and foggy. Gross. That all changed at 3:00pm when we were escorted in to the CHE room.

It changed which was expected. But I got to sit in the front row! And meet some other Hayniacs! Nearly and hour later Hunter finally joined the party. He was different this time because he felt under the weather. I didn't ask a question because I didn't have one but being in the front we got to see his face light up at all the creative questions and see how much he talks with his hands. It was really fun none the less.

Fast forward four hours through standing in line for the pit and finally getting to the front of the pit only to sacrifice the spot for the side and regretting it later. The first hour was kind of miserable a because of all the people and this girl in a turquoise dress who would not stop leaping over people to get to the cat walk. Finally I decided to just integrate in to the middle and run between catwalks and then it started to get fun. I invited Jessica to join me and the rest of the night was awesome! Can't wait to see him again! 

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