Thursday, April 10, 2014

100 Happy Days

"Clap along if you feeling like happiness is the truth" Happy - Pharell 

If you're on Instagram or Facebook then you've probably seen the #100HappyDays tag that has been circulating through out your friends list or maybe you're participating in it. 

I started my blog 100 days ago and probably before the tag existed. In those 100 days, I've experienced a plethora of exciting and new things while also being let down and feeling like I'll never be joyous again. I've had days were I felt on top of the world and I've had days where all hell broke loose. Did I have the hardest last three months imaginable? Absolutely not. Was I happy every single day? Absolutely not.

Although, I'm fairly certain that every blog post has had a silver lining message in it somewhere. That's all that matters. I was happy for a split second every single day when action X happened. Am I supposed to stop that now that I've reached 100 days? Does that just go away? 

I don't think so. Happiness is what you make of it. You want to be happy? Be happy! Find the thing that makes you happy and spend three minutes of your day doing it. Find a happy thing. Be happy. 

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