Sunday, April 6, 2014

Having Mental Breakdowns

... Isn't fun. Especially because of your life choices even those some of those life choices weren't even that bad of life choices. 

In short, over the last week I'm mad questionable time management decisions, I've behaved completely out of turn (insert Kelly Clarkson's I DO NOT HOOK UP here (no I didn't hook up with anyone... Technically)) and I've realized I'm starting to fall behind in stuff just because I know I can get away with it. This isn't okay. I don't like this me. I don't want to be this way. That's one of the many reasons I started this adventure into blogger world, to hold my self accountable for every thing I do and lately I haven't been. 

My actions over the last few days, why not illegal or immoral or anything along those lines, have no been my favorite. I don't behave that way. It's never been how I view my self and I judge others hardcore for pulling some of the thing I pulled this week. These were things I used to stand for and now I'm deprecating all of my own actions. 

April was supposed to be the back in track month. So far I've experienced failure, procrastination, a little too much fun, and a complete lack o motivation. I CAN'T LET THIS STAY THIS WAY

Tomorrow things change. Tomorrow I snap out of this rut I seem to be in and get my life back on track. Done with this.

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