Saturday, April 12, 2014

Racing the Clock

I'm racing clock in many different aspects of life. Lets count down shall we? 
I have:
- 9 days until I take the G.R.E.
-12 day until I say goodbye to my sorority 
- 20 days until graduation
- 22 days until I move back home
- 51 days until Hunter Hayes
- 263 days until I finish my blog.

Okay, the last one is a stretch but I figured I'd throw it in there. These next three weeks are going to be intense and what made me realize how quickly this has all gone by were some of the conversations I had with family members I talked to today. They all told me how proud they were to see me get to where I am today. Some of them are even experiencing achievements of their own (SO EXTREMELY PROUD OF THOSE BY THE WAY!!) and I don't want to miss out on anything. 

You have all the time you give yourself. I need to start using mine wisely.

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