Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Personality: Twenty Statements

In my psychology of personality class we learned about this test that is used in various types of research for personality. The whole point of the exercise is that you are to write twenty statement sentences. Those are your only instructions. What you write is up to you. I thought this would be a fun little activity to do for a post so here we are.

Twenty Statements

I am a daughter.
I am a sister.
I am an aunt.
I can ride a horse and not fall off.
I possess the ability to know when I am or am not on key.
I have failed at something at one point or another.
I did not know who my father was until I was eleven.
I'm technically an orphan.
I have little to no confidence in my appearance.
I do have confidence in my ability to argue/prove my point.
I never considered my self the popular kid or the girl with a lot of friends.
I'm weird.
I'm okay with being weird. 
I'm a good liar.
I took pride in being a good liar for a long time.
I'm scared of being elderly.
I'm often scared of my sister.
I know that I'm worth something.
I believe in myself.
I had a hard time coming up with these statements 

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