Thursday, April 24, 2014

Finally Caving In

As you might have guessed, I caved. What did I cave on? My 113 days of being soda free. I have been debating giving myself a cheat day for a while but I have ALWAYS denied myself that luxury. I didn't want to drink the stuff. Today however, it was necessary. I haven't gotten more than six hours of sleep on any given night this past week. Between my final meetings with my sorority, the ceiling leaking, work, wanting to make it to all of my last classes, and my practicum PLUS all of the tests and assignments that happen the week before final's week, I haven't had the ability to be asleep by 12.

Last night I went to bed around 2:00 am and had to be up at 6:30 to be at my practicum site by 7:00. Thank you so much to the amazingly, WONDERFUL Brianna for letting me crash at her house and then waking up with me at an ungodly hour to drive me to my practicum. You're a beautiful human and I love you.

Today was technically my "last" day with my practicum students and in order to completely all my hours on time, I had to get to the site BEFORE IT OPENED. This is all because my evil practicum teacher (not affiliated with the site) refused to let me turn in my signed hours if my hours extended past 12 on April 25th. Word cannot describe how excited I am to NEVER have to deal with this woman ever again. Anyway, I spent ten and a half hours at my site. During this time I managed to get in an almost 2 hour long nap thanks to some really boring war movie that the staff decided to have them all watch. I was a little sad to see some of the kids leave today. It finally hit me that after next week, I won't be involved in their lives anymore. I won't get to ask them how everything was or sit with them and help them succeed in a subject. These kids need permanent guidance from someone and I was so privileged to have been that person for these last few months.

My day is not yet finished though. After my practicum I had to go straight to work where I have been and where I will stay until 2 in the morning. Woo. 

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