Thursday, April 17, 2014

Degree in Three

So my first of three graduation ceremonies was today. When I started school, I walked on as a sophomore and I knew that I would be getting out of here early. Thank heaven. One less year to pay for. One less year to push through. One more year I can use towards graduate school.

In order to get out of here in three years I needed some assistance. This came in the form of the Degree in Three Program which allows students with accelerated credit to have priority registration in order to get the classes we need in a timely manner. 

Today I was congratulated and celebrated for having achieved my degree in three years. I shook person X, Y, and Z's hand and heard other students' stories about the program and their collegiate career. I told my story (briefly) and then it was over. 

Go me. Go us. Go class of 2014. 

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