Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Surprises are Surprising

The passed 22 hours have been kind of hectic. Lets recap shall we?

Last night all of my technological devices decided to inform me of my incredible wrongness regarding when I thought my G.R.E. date was and let me know that my test was April 15th. That's today. Okay. Thanks for that technology! Glad you were right and that I was smart enough to set you! Ugh.

Then I scrambled to find a ride to the testing center this morning. Thank you so much to one of my sisters (who is also one of my spectacular littles) for saving my butt and taking me to take the test! You rock.

The most surprising part of the day though was after I finished the test. You see, I am applying to two schools for mental health counseling. One of those schools still uses the old scores for the G.R.E. so to be a competitive candidate you need to have a 1000 between your verbal and quantitative sections. I have been worrying about my math score for the last five to six weeks. All of my practice tests were showing little improvement in math and I was slowly losing hope. Then I took the test. After sitting down and completing some of the hardest math I've ever done.  I sat there for a good minute and debated if I wanted to send my scores at all. I was certain that my scores were going to be terrible. And then I managed to get a 157 and a 150. When you look at the conversion tables for the old G.R.E. scores I end up with a combined score of 1190. I officially possess a competitive score for my graduate school choices. Woo! 

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