Monday, April 28, 2014

The Final Week

Finals week arrived yesterday when I went to hang out with Brandi. My final week as an Undergrad started today. I thought that today was my easy day. I could just kind of lounge around and not worry about anything. So that is what I did. Until one of my teachers told me I had not completed and assignment that I knew I had completed. So, I went to her office and showed her the paper work. Okay. Cool. Problem solved, went home.

Home consisted of doing absolutely nothing, walking to get BBQ pulled pork, and then meeting a sister before work.When I finished with that, I went to start my last til 2AM shift at work and realized that what I thought was just an easy day was actually me forgetting I had a shift this morning. A five hour opening shift that I completely forgot about. It didn't even occur to me. I felt like such a dumbass when I walked in to work. How does someone forget about five hours of working? How??? How did I manage to just forget about all of this. Ugh.

Such a great start to my last week here. Tomorrow will consist of meeting with one of my professors to help write my goal statement for my UCF graduate application. And packing. Then a super sneak preview of "Neighbors." Zac Efron shirtless for most of a 2 hour movie? Yes please.

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