Monday, April 21, 2014

Just Be Somebody

 I started today at 7:30am when I told myself: "This is your last week of classes as an undergraduate college student. Make this week count." When I walked out to the bus stop, I was greeted with this message. "Be somebody."

This is a great message for someone who is A, almost finished with her first degree and B, who has been doubting themselves a little. I have been pretty lax the last half of this semester. Sure, its ebbed and flowed but I can't deny that it happened. And as I've stated before, I don't want to be that person. 

If you didn't know already, I am a huge believer in signs be it from a deity or the energy of the universe. Signs exist, you just have to recognize them. As soon as I saw this sticker this morning I knew that it was a sign. I knew that it meant I had made a good choice for the day by not wasting it (obviously a good choice) and I knew that it would be the inspiration for today's post. We should all be striving to be somebody. We should all want to be the absolute best versions of ourselves doing the most influential and meaningful things that we can be doing. Go out and be someone.

Today I was a good college student, something I haven't been in a while. I attended all of my classes (GO ME), went to work, sent out the first 13 graduation announcements (Oh goodness), and then I helped to elect the new e-board and chairs for my sorority before going back to work until 2 AM. I am SO confident in these girls and the changes they are going to bring to this organization.

I was also greeted with this lovely reminder about how quickly my time at school is going by. My family and friends told me that it would be a quick journey just like my high school career was. I am excited to end this chapter and hopefully start a new one very soon.

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