Monday, April 14, 2014

Cutting It Off

Okay, so that title can be a little misconstrued but I'm talking about my hair. 

Since my sophomore year of high school I've chopped off my hair pretty regularly. When I went to college I let it grow out for almost a year but my hair does better above my ears. It just does. Boy hair works for my hair. 

I call it boy hair purposefully. Its short. I know. Its not very feminine in the back. I know. Do I think I look like a boy? Sometimes. Does that matter? No. 

Does it bother me and make me doubt myself and my decision to chop it off  whenever someone (usually a male) tells me I have boy hair? Yes and no. It used to for sure. I would doubt getting my hair that short because society was telling me "No, not feminine. No thats a sign of identifying with more masculine traits. You're hair is how I know you're a lesbian." Well society is wrong. My hair is fanfuckingtastic. Its usually filled with bows and it makes me look prettier in my opinion. More feminine. And no, my short hair is not how you know I'm a lesbian. Why? Because I'm not and thats a stupid stereotype to embrace. I just don't want to deal with the tremendous amounts of curly, poofy hair that would adorn my scalp if I didn't tame it. 

I have short hair because I like short hair. I want short hair. If you don't like my hair, that's fine. That is your opinion. Be glad you're not me then and don't cut your hair short. If you like my hair, that's also fine. We probably have more things we can talk about in regards to my head but other than that, the situation doesn't really change.

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