Friday, April 11, 2014

Change Not Accepted

Warning: a rant is ensuing

My school kind of did this thing where it changed some stuff and now everyone is mad. You'd think it wouldn't be that big of and deal but everyone is very, VERY angry with the people behind this change. Including me.

As I walked home from class today, I finally figured out what exactly makes me so mad about all of this. Launching the campaign titled "Ignition Tradition" and then telling us that change is the best way to keep tradition was their first mistake. Tradition is about repetition and sanctity. It does not experience large changes. By changing a tradition too much it becomes a new tradition all together. I repeat, NEW TRADITION. You are no longer upholding the same tradition as before. You literally cannot drastically change a tradition and call it te same as before. 

Their second mistake was failing to alert and involve the student body in the changes. These people took something that was recognizable and sacred; something that displayed power, conviction, and determination to everyone who saw it and altered it with out asking the majority of the target population's opinion. They short changed the hundred of thousands of people who they want to buy the new product. They tried to shove the unwanted change to
our tradition down our throats and expected us not to say anything. How is that a smart business move?? How can what is essentially a business look at its target audience and say: " Yes, I think its a good move for us to change everything they are used to. They will obviously like it because we like it,"? Thats a pretty large gamble in my opinion and while they did ask for some approval, they didn't ask where it mattered. 

The choices made by all parties involved make me really angry with my school's judgement. I feel cheated and played. How would they feel if the students rallied together and suddenly unveiled a new uniform policy for all the staff that made them were Daisy Duke's and Hawaiian shorts everyday of their life and just expected them to be fine with it?

We are supposed to represent a tribe that is unconquered. Unconquered. They stuck to their guns and played the game smart to remain a tribe and not be picked off the planet by invading humans. Telling the student body to accept something we hate is essentially telling us to give up. Admit defeat, sell our lands and build casinos. It is telling us to stop being unconquered. It is saying that we have no say in our school and that we are to deal with what we're given. 

Well they're wrong. I don't have to deal with it. I don't have to buy anything or like your decision. I won't be conquered by consumerism and greed. 

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