Monday, April 7, 2014

Keeping It Positive

 "Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in the magic will never find it!" -- Ronald Dahl

That quote doesn't really have any relevance to this post but I like it so why not right? 

I decided to turn today into a mental health day and didnt finish the last half of my day. I went to a meeting but that's a out it. This weekend, while not seeming that stressful, really threw me for a loop and I will wasn't able to get up today and feel normal. Did I mention I dislike this? A LOT. It not a good reason to skip out on life but it is what it is. Sue me.

Something I did do today was finish the dance with Brandi. Finished. FIN-ISHED. I'm so excited. I'm also excited to use one of the techniques I use on my kids on myself for the conclusion of today's insightful look at my life.

I asked my kids to do two tasks: Write five positive words that describe them. Write five positive words that they wouldn't usually use to describe themselves. 

Here are my answers:
1. Knowledgeable 
2. Analytical
3. Hard-pressed
4. Cordial 
5. Well-versed

1. Driven
2. Responsible 
3. Classy
4. Organized
5. Beautiful

I challenge anyone who reads this to answer those questions. You don't have to post them, just answer. You might be like me and find that you have a hard time answer one or the other. You may be able to answer both. Who knows! But still, do it! 


Catherine said...

1. Friendly
2. Loving
3. Thoughtful
4. Curious
5. Artistic

1. Strong
2. Focused
3. Diligent
4. Stylish
5. Talented

I think the point of the exercise is to reveal aspects that you would like to be able to describe yourself as? And maybe determine which you want most by what was listed first?

KatiCupcake said...

You got it! The whole reason I had my kids answer them was to show them the qualities that they already possessed and then have them work on integrating the words in the second list into their lives. So for you, you would work on finding something you're talented at and working on it for a bit until you can move it to the first list.