Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Preventing Check Out

Because my G.R.E. worries are over, I officially have nothing to do on a day to day basis. My classes are really easy and I can't be at my internship anymore than I already am. My time with my sorority is almost at an end. I have nothing to stay on top of other than my grad school applications. 

Having this much free time doesn't work well for me. You see, now that I'm not stressed out I'm not as motivated to stay on top of everything. This is obviously a problem. I skipped class on Monday to take care of the key situation. Well, because my first class was canceled today and because I didn't have any reason to be on campus anymore after work, I skipped my last class of the day. This. Isn't. Good. 

I need to find something new to stress about which I think is going to be packing my life back into boxes and preparing for the move back home. Hopefully that will give me motivation for class. 

Maybe not.

Sidebote: my first of three graduation ceremonies is tomorrow!! 

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