Friday, March 28, 2014

It Has Begun


Kate and I start our twenty tomorrow at 7pm so we have little while to get ready for the best day of the year. I started three hours ago and I only have 6 things packed. This is a problem. 

Essentially I am having to go through my entire room to look for my ankle and knee braces. My room is always in a constant store of disaster so this is essentially an impossible task. Once I find everything, I can actually sift through all o my clothes and pick out what I actually wan to Dace in. Everything that packed is costume related. #Nerdstatus.

In other news, I cranked out a 6 page paper, went to Michael's to make two more shirts, and then had dinner with Brandi in a matter of 7 hours. Woo. I also have a GRE study session tomorrow BEFORE I go to DM. Mental AND physical exhaustion in 3... 2...

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