Thursday, March 20, 2014

We Did It

Catherine posted this on my Facebook a while back and of course I immediately saved it. Positivity AND Hunter? That basically sums up my life. 

I post it today because she was right. I can do this. And by this I mean raise enough money (AND help someone else raise enough money) in order to dance. I have surpassed my original goal and I have raised 600 dollars so far! I will get that last 150 so help me lord!

 I got word a few hours ago that my soon to be dance-buddy raised enough money to be invited to the event!! This is so exciting because she has never experienced DM and I really didn't want to experience it alone!

Of course I had help with these. It took people to raise this money. People and generosity. But Kate and I had determination on our side and we accomplished our goal!

Things I was also able to accomplish today? Laundry. I also (finally) went down and deposited my paychecks from Disney and went and found the rest of the supplies for the birthday party this weekend. Successful day is successful.

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