Sunday, March 9, 2014

Positive Outcomes Only

Positive outcomes only. That’s Savannah Monroe’s mantra.  She sees the positive in everything, in everyone.  It starts off annoying but quickly becomes contagious.  You stand next to this woman, you can’t help being affected by her hope, her optimism, her wild enthusiasm for what comes next.  Doubt is everywhere today.  Doubt becomes cynicism, which influences what we do, how we feel about each other and ourselves.  It colors our interactions, but not Savannah’s…Savannah believes every tomorrow is better than today, and every day we all become a little better than the day before.

Marti Perkins, Hellcats episode 1.19

I first watched Hellcats when it debuted on the CW in 2010 and I loved it. There probably isn't a week since it aired that I haven't thought about this show in some form or another. The plot, the characters, the writing, the actors, all of it was pure gold. But the fan base just wasn't there. Hellcats wasn't picked up for another season and just like that something that was so inherently good was dashed away. 

The phrase "positive outcomes only" however, has stuck with me since then and so has head cheerleader Savannah Monroe's practice of writing positive things on her teams' arms. I used to send positive words to my friends who I knew need help getting through the day and I would always tell them "positive outcomes only." About a year and a half ago I started saying "positive outcomes only please" just to give it my own little twist. Yes, I realize the acronym for this is either P.O.O. or P.O.O.P. but I really don't care. I adopted the saying because it mms something. It promotes working towards things and events and goals that will only better you and the people you surround yourself with. It supports the idea of success and the ability to be successful. I love P.O.O.!

I bring this up in today's post because something happened today where P.O.O.P. was needed. A person who has been in my life since kindergarten talked of me about some of the issues going on in her life that made her just want to curl in and perpetually go to sleep. Her and I have had our issues, there is no arguing that but with all the dysfunction going on in her life she needed a pep talk. Facebook (and autocorrect) of course hates me and decided to change a bunch of my words but the message was finally sent. I hope it helped, she's not very good with replying to those kinds of things but she agreed to take one of my suggestions. I ended then pep talk with P.O.O.P. and I won't take anything less from her.

Positive Outcomes Only Please

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