Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Working At It

Considering I didn't finish crafting until 1am and I didn't get home and fall asleep until 2am, I already knew that waking up this morning was going to be exceptionally difficult. My alarms started gng off at 645am and I didn't even hear them. The first alarm that I heard was the one that starts at 750 and I finally acknowledged it at 758. My ability to sleep is mind blowing sometimes. 

I decided that I could skip my first class because A) we were watching a movie, B) I was exhausted, and C) my throat was killing me. So I went back to sleep expecting to wakeup feeling better for work. This was not the case. I woke up 20 minutes before work and I felt awful. My theory was still hurting, I couldn't breathe through my nose again p, and my whole body was aching. Needless to say I called out of work and spent the whole day resting, taking medicine, and fundraising for Dance Marathon. 

What I'm working at is having less of these days. I really don't like missing things but I have felt awful these past few weeks more times than not. I want to feel normal. Normal would be nice. I am also working at raising the last 150 that I need for my DM goal and helping one of my sisters raise her 150 in order to dance!!

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