Saturday, March 1, 2014

Third Month In

60 days!!! Wooooo!! It definitely doesn't feel like I've been doing this for two months but numbers don't lie right? Anyway, I promised that I would revisit my goals for today so here we go! 

1. Stop drinking soda.
    No soda for 60 days. I think I can check this one off. Any thoughts? 
2. Visit with the nutritionist on campus to start eating better.
    Still haven't done this. I actually kind of went backwards on this and started eating junk food again :( 
3. Make time to go to the gym, I want to feel better about my self. 
    I have been going to physical therapy and I have been putting in some hours at the gym. The last ten days my workouts consisted of training for the talent show which, if I may say so my self, felt like I was losing all the weight in my body. I wasn't obviously.
4. Put effort into my appearance 3/4 days out of the week.
    This has all but stopped completely. I'm lucky if I even put a bow in my hair because now it is long enough to be tied back. Hair cut time? 
     My planner is my phone and my time management skills have been slipping. I'm hoping this week will be better
6. Stay positive.
    On going battle.
7. Take the GRE.
    My GRE group kind of fizzled out and now I'm back on my own. I need to ind a companion or I know I won't study for this test. Something else I should is actually book a GRE date.
8. Drink more water.
    I got this yo.
9. Make straight A's my final semester.
    So far so good!! I have a 95 in stress and resilience and a 92 in psychology of personality. The practicum is tricky.
10. Be happy with myself and the choices I make.
     This hasn't really even crossed my mind since I wrote down the second time. I try to be happy and I try to keep my long term feelings about something in mind when I decided to do it. I'm impulsive so it's hard. 
11.Look into internships.
     I did this!! I looked in to three or four things. Unfortunately, the due dates had either already passed, were too soon, or the application needed letters of recommendation that I am really bad at getting.
12.Learn how to cook.
     I'm a failure. But the kitchen I have to work with isn't that great either. 
13.Work on my relationships.
     I'm not even sure what I meant by this originally. I should probably reflect.
14. Make better choices with my finances.
      Again, I suck at this. I'm so impulsive and I need to work on my self control. I know that I could do this easily but I just haven't.

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