Sunday, March 16, 2014

Final Two Months

As a sister and I entered our college town this afternoon, we were greeted with rain, puddles, humidity, and general icky-ness. It's like Mother Nature knew we were all sad that spring break was over and wanted to cry with us. She's still crying mind you. Of course maybe Mother Nature is sad that she will be losing so many students from this area soon. Or maybe the clouds were just really full of evaporated water. 

Regardless of why the sky is pouring buckets of water on our heads, today is kind of a big deal. Today marks my last two months in my apartment near campus. It marks about 40 days until graduation. It marks the end. Three years ago I was in the middle of preparing for IB and AP exams and I was about to accept my acceptance at my university. Now it's almost over. I'm preparing for the GRE, looking at other schools, thinking about jobs back home. It's a whole new ball game and I'm not sure I'm ready. I've been on the cusp of adulthood since I was twelve and now you're telling me its actually time? My nearly 10 years of waiting is almost over? What?

I always knew that I would have a hard time transitioning to a life outside of school. I had that realization in fifth grade when they asked us to put together a portfolio of what we wanted our lives to be. We had to come up with a title for each "chapter" of our lives and while the only title I remember is "UT is for Me" I distinctly remember asking my self: "What is it going to be like when we're done with school? What do we do then?" Then I panicked, starting planing ways to stay in elementary school forever, and tried to come up with a way to freeze time.

In all seriousness, I still haven't quite figured out what's next. I know where I want to go in life, how I want to help others and be successful but I don't know about June. I go home and work on saving as much as possible and helping my sister. We'll see. 


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