Thursday, March 6, 2014

Starting My Project

Even though it is a component of one of the most ridiculous assignments/classes I have ever had the displeasure of partaking in, today was the first day of my project at my internship. I decided that I wanted to work on self-control with these kids by having them participate in goal oriented and positive reinforcement exercises in hopes that by working on their self-control in small, contained doses then the students will be able to apply some of the methods of self-control to real world problems they might experience. I know that it is a long shot but I was honestly at a loss for what to do.

Today I replicated a classic psychology experiment where you place a marshmallow in front of a child and tell them that they can either eat it now or if they wait five minutes they can have another one plus the one already in front of them. I did this to get an idea of where my students' levels of self-control were. They all stated that they could control themselves in everyday situations but when it came to them being angry they had no self-control. The exercise with the marshmallow reinforced what the students said about themselves so next week I will need to give them more challenging activities.


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