Monday, March 24, 2014

Auditions and Anxiety

And alliteration it seems. Just kidding.

So today saw Brandi and I auditioning for the talent show. I think it went fairly well however, we still have to hear back as to whether or not we will be allowed to perform. I really hope that we are. We have worked so hard on this and the last half of the dance is so dynamic. Positive vibes. Positive vibes. 

Before the audition, I made it to my 9am class as a full day of work. This full day of work was spent playing Facebook games and trying to do better on my G.R.E. scores. I took a practice test yesterday and I was able to bring up my verbal score from to 65th percentile. That is more than enough for admission into one of my grad schools but in order to get in to the other I need to raise my math score way WAY up. My current score is in the 16th percentile and definitely needs some assistance. The more I think about this test the more anxious I get. I have 28 days to bring up this score or I can all but  kiss my graduate school dreams goodbye. 

In other news, I am only one hundred dollars away from my goal for Dance Marathon and I have 4 days to raise it!!! Wooooo!!!

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