Monday, March 10, 2014

All New Things

Today was a pretty bland day in the grand scheme of things. It was full of new things both physical and experiential.

My nephew would not let go of me today. He would not stop wanting to play or cuddle or giggle or anything. He's always loved to climb on me but this level is new. It's adorable and I love it but its new and it will take some getting used to.

I bought Catching Fire because I didn't have a reason not to. I bought a bunch of new bras (TMI? EH you'll be fine) which is honestly the best thing I've bought in a while. There was a new episode of Teen Wolf, I was able to finalize my plans for another concert I want to go to, and now I have a sore throat. Joy. I think that sums it up. New Things. Yay.

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