Saturday, October 18, 2014

Back to Home

I have two posts to make up for because all my focus was on my interview day and not dying. Today I came back after surviving said interview and got to go to work! I spend one night at the mothership and then I get to help run one of the pods! My brother in law calls WDW the mothership so I figured I'd run with it. 

After work I was FINALLY able to see my own house and to take a shower. These are glorious things. Then it was straight to football watching because Florida State faced Notre Dame tonight. Now I don't normally watch these things because if I watch we lose. However, my brother in law is a fan of the Irish so I had to participate. I watched (and counseled) until the last 25 seconds of the game and then I went to write the post. I officially have no idea how it ended but it was nerve wracking. 

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