Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dreams Come True

When I took this picture on Thursday night, I was taking it for my nephew so that he would have it to reflect on later in life. This picture has been taken SO MANY TIMES and it has caused quite a few traffic jams. What is the big deal guys? It is just a sign. When we got to the hotel on Thursday, I went to post something to Instagram and I scrolled past this picture and thought "How funny would that be? My dreams coming true after going to Disney" in relation to getting a spot in UCF's program. We were supposed to find out our admissions decision in two weeks (Halloween). I was fully prepared to diligently wait those two weeks and then find out what my immediate future had in store for me. I had even decided  that the blog post about the admission decision would be centered around this picture. 

I woke up this morning to the sound of an email which I rushed to check because I was anxious. I saw that it was from UCF and opened it immediately. I saw the congratulations message and jumped out of my bed to bring it to my sister just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. She read it and confirmed for me that I have been accepted in to UCF's Counselor Education Masters program for the Mental Health Counseling Track for Spring 2015. 

Dreams do come true and in my case, they came true weeks in advance.

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