Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"I Feel Awful"

For once that isn't in relation to being sick. It's in relation to an event that happened today where and individual came up to me and told a story. This individual told me about a present that they had been given randomly by someone they did not know. By someone who was not their race/religion/ethnic bracket. They told me they were scared for their child's safety due to the recent social media stories and that they wanted to change the present as to protect the child. All the while, they were telling me that they appreciated the gift and that felt awful/like a terrible person for taking an act of such kindness and changing it in to something so derogatory and malicious but they had to think of their child. 

I can understand looking out for your kin and I can excuse fear. But educate yourselves as much as possible. Learn the backstory behind what social media filters to you. Understand what and who and where threats/potential threats to your family may come from. Don't believe everything you read on Facebook  or Twitter to be 100 percent true at face value. 

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