Monday, October 13, 2014

Four of Four

And it was so busy I don't even know where to start! My last day off consists of getting up at 830 for driving lessons. Then we drove on real roads for like an hour which I did fairly well on. I scared my sister by doing a turn at like 35 miles an hour but its the little things right? Then I came home and re arranged my room in order to find my other pair of glasses. They we successfully found and now my room is back to its previous positioning. 

Catherine came and got me around 230 ish and then we headed off to do adventurous things! But first we had to run some errands so that my old apparent complex will leave me alone. And so that my outfit for my interview is all mended! As luck would have it, these two errands ended up being right next to each other which gave us more time for fun things! Like TacoSon, research on the new Just Dance, deciding we wanted to make mini pumpkin pies, making said pumpkin pies, and then actual dancing!

Pretty good last day! Now to have three awesome days at work, an awesome interviewing experience and then to see what life has in store!

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