Saturday, October 11, 2014

Second of Four

The great weekend off adventure continues! In this adventure and action packed filled episode I wake up at 2:30, do my make up (WHOA), go see Annabelle, and make a family tree for my Sims!

I was up until 3:30 yesterday because I was watching The Tribe and then I looked at the time and went "oh... I guess now is an appropriate time to sleep." I finally passed out to Top Gear and I slept fairly soundly until around noon. At noon the family got back from my nephew's walkathon and I just hoped that they would not wake me up to do something. Luckily, I was able to snooze for another two and half hours. When that time came I just watched a few more episode of The Tribe before calling my cousin and figuring out move plans.

Once that as all settled, I set off on the "lets do make up for the first time in a month" adventure which went okay. It wasn't anything extravagant but I am out of the routine so it took me longer than normal. We went to go see Annabelle with my sister. Dolls have always unnerved me a little bit. This is most likely due to the fact that my mother hoarded them when I was younger. The dolls had their own room but I didn't, that is how bad this was. I walked in to the movie expecting to leave some what frightened. I openly laughed multiple during that movie. There were some suspenseful parts and I did jump a few times but it wasn't scary. I wasn't really unnerved or scare at all.

When I got home, I tried on my grad school interview outfit which I think looks pretty good. Now I just have to fix the coat part as I found a small tear in the sleeves. I finished the day with the Sims and making a family tree for them, I'm so proud.

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