Saturday, October 25, 2014

Decisions and Football

I talked in yesterday's post a little bit about how cloudy my plans are for January. I have accepted UCF's offer and will be starting classes on 1/12/2015. This means that I have to enroll in classes pretty soon. I can't do that until I get them some papers to get rid of some hold. UGH.

This also means that I have to figure out where I am living and working which is all contingent on how quickly I can learn how to drive which is contingent on me not being at work because I can only learn how to drive in the mornings. This next week coming up I have free time in the mornings half of the days that I work so I am hoping to get some time in there. AND THEN ITS MY BIRTHDAY IN A WEEK!!!!!
I know Catherine and I are going to be celebrating my birthday a little early during her Dia de Los Muertos party on that Saturday but other than that I have no idea what I have planned. MORE TO THINK ABOUT!

The rest of today was spent at work, then watching Ouija  with my sister and my cousin because we are gluttons for punishment. It was more suspenseful and nerve wracking than Annabelle but as far as frightening goes I wasn't all that impressed. The creature thing at the end though wasn't okay. But there were some Teen Wolf  tie-ins to the movie which made me happy!

I finished off today watching the LSU-Ole Miss game and talking to Kayla about all kinds of things. THAT GAME WAS INTENSE! Well played LSU.

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