Sunday, October 26, 2014

Do or Die

UPDATED 11/10  this post was about my education but just to quadruple check, I've gone through and added in that word some more.

"Life, finds a way" Dr. Ian Malcolm Jurassic Park 

Ever since my mom got sick I've been pretty self sustaining. Yes. I have lived with my sister and her husband and yes they helped out tons financially and in the care taking of my mother. However, when it comes to where I am educationally I feel like I can take credit for that. Of course they played a part and they were involved but I feel like I did the work to get in to college and then to do it again. I also feel like I would have found my way here even if they hadn't been in the picture. I would have found a way. They would both strongly disagree with that and back up their disagreeance with anecdotes and they are allowed. They have done quite a bit and I don't deny that. I am grateful that they have been there if I needed them. I'm grateful for all the help they have given me. They supported me through nervous breakdowns over assignments but they didn't do them for me. I have always found a way to make things work. In do or die situations (i.e. do or fail, do or leave) I've consistently found a way to complete the "do" part of the phrase. It might have taken me three extra months to complete the "do" part but eventually I made it work out. 

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