Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So Incredibly Done

You know, I am a pretty resilient and strong individual. I've been through quite a bit in my nearly 22 years and I've never really been a "quitter." (I really don't know if that . is supposed to be before or after the ") It takes a lot for me to want to leave something. So congratulations to the entity that made me want to give up on something today. Congratulations for making me have the thought process of "I'll just stop. I will just quit and be done because I clearly suck," that takes some serious effort. 

Sidenote to potential readers: Don't assume that you know or can figure out what this is about. Its vague for a reason because there are things I don't actually talk about on here. 

In other news, I was able to go shopping today at Wet Seal! They were having a sale on EVERYTHING so I was able to get 12 much needed items for 80 bucks which comes out to around 6.70 an item. I'll take that! I also got to help with Halloween decorations and watch American Horror Story. The show did a great job with Twisty's story.


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